
Using wp-config.php File or  functions.php File to change New URL,

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Using wp-config.php File or  functions.php File 

Way 1. Change WordPress Site URLs Using wp-config.php File

If you installed your wordpress such as : /var/www/html/wordpress/*


sudo vi /var/www/html/wordpress/wp-config.php

Next, add the following code at the bottom:

1. define( ‘WP_HOME’, ‘https://mywordpress.com’ );
2. define( ‘WP_SITEURL’, ‘https://mywordpress.com’ );

Way 2. Change WordPress Site URLs Using function.php File

If you installed your wordpress’s themes as urbane : /var/www/html/tippang/wp-content/themes/urbane/


sudo vi /var/www/html/tippang/wp-content/themes/urbane/function.php

Next, add the following code at the bottom:

1. update_option( ‘siteurl’, ‘https://mywordpress.com’ );

2. update_option( ‘home’, ‘https://mywordpress.com’ );

Once everything gets back to normal, remove the two lines of code by your changes

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